Saturday, June 9, 2007

Web Site

So this weekend I've continued to crank along - this time on the web site. Paging is solid, listing of tags is working really good (still want to add some snaz to that). The rating of each site is coming back, and voting is working (all AJAX - works really well! Sends the vote back async, and on return updates all instances of that site on the web site with the new # - which may be +1 or could be more, based on what's happened since the page last loaded.

If a new site is detected via "Top" (which does a prefer:site:site instead of straight site: restriction), and the user clicks to vote for it, it asks them to enter in the info (desc, tag) and the site gets added.

Still need to do user login and sign up. And on "Add", I want to auto go out to the site to pick up the description and any meta keywords as tags (and maybe the new tag stuff). I need to have a better way to get the main URL - For instances, as a general .NET resource, is great... but is the found page is deep down, I don't really want that full URL... just the top. So I'm going to put in some recommendations to the user and list some possible choices to URL's, and let them pick among that list (sometimes want more than just the top domain).

I've also been thinking about suggesting keywords. If I can track what has been search for under specific keywords (removing any user data), when the user searches for something similar, I'd like to return the search results... and recommend two or three tags that MIGHT be better suited to search under. Need to think about that, as the processing time on that could suck a bit.

Also need to look a "Freshness" on votes. And a few other things, like browsing tags/sites (to add tags), adding tags on the main site, adding a messages for each tag and each web site (e.g., user discussion)

I've switched over the DNS to my dedicated server, so I can get the site to beta whenever. I am still mulling over trying to do a patent on some of this, so will need to do non-disclosures with the Alpha users.

Anyway, very solid progress. The only thing I HAVE to do to start Alpha is the user setup and login. And a way to view and add tags on a site. The rest are things I can continue to work on.

And oh yeah, I need to teach it :) For this to have ANY use, it needs to have a solid collection of tags and sites. Otherwise people will play with it, go yeah cool but doesn't help me find what I'm looking for and go elsewhere. Going to be interesting, as I need a lot of people using it to really get a high quality set of tags and sites... but need a solid set of quality tags and sites to attract users. Fun :)

Off to Bonefish and dinner with B - going to try to work on this more after she goes to bed.

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