Going around a bit with LegalZoom on the Patent - send in Friday, didn't hear anything back. So I ask what was up. The responded a bit ago that I needed to send my drawings in... which I did Friday :) Fun.
I made a change to the auto-detect of meta keywords. I now bring back a checkbox list of all keywords.. but only check the first five. Some sites put a ton of crap in there, which I really don't want in tagZar. So I'm kind of assuming the first 5 will be the more meaningful, and default to that. The user can check, uncheck, or add their own. The javascript was a bit painful - had to make sure I didn't muck with what they entered, and handle the delete/add on check.
Anyway, I don't plan on any updates for right now - want to get the patent done, then will continue. So I'm working mostly on TCI right now.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Friday, July 6, 2007
Ready to go
Well, been cranking on this off and on the last week. The biggest item I've added is "freshness". I was originally going leave that off until the next version... but I think it's critical enough to add in at this point. I had to rip some stuff up, but it wasn't too bad - took about 5 hours to do. I'm still not sure if I want one freshness, or have some kind of tag freshness vs site freshness.
And what does freshness mean? For site or tag, is it submit date or last activity date? Right now I'm using activity... but for sites, that will get me back to the problem of some sites dominating, which will act as a suppression for newer sites.
First version of user profile is done - you can see what a user has submitted. I'll do the piece that shows what they voted for as I have time.
The "Big cloud" is in, and you can now get details about sites in tags, and what tags go with a site.
I've decided to go with the provisional patent. I may try to use LegalZoom to do it; get at least some help.
At this point, I am ready to go - it's on the domain but in a password protected area (no public disclosure!) I just need to get the provisional patent filed, and I'll open it up.
My plan at this point is to use it as my default search engine at that point (Doing that to some extent now), to give it a bunch of tags and sites (it's pretty limited right now). I'll then try to get a few friends and family on it. Then get some news on various search related sites, then expand out to general tech news sites.
While this may go no where, if it does I need to be careful - I'm sharing with StationPortal, which can be VERY busy. I've already noticed the response time can be... annoying. I've put in caching on top tags, and will look at doing caching on some of the common sub tags, but if I start getting a real load I will need to look at a new server (or two, for DB and IIS). Which means it will need to have REALLY taken off, or I found a bag of money (e.g., funding). Fun :)
Pretty happy with it - the site is plain but I think very clean (yeah, I used elements from Google, digg, and a few others). Not that the main site of Google really HAS a look and feel, eh?
And what does freshness mean? For site or tag, is it submit date or last activity date? Right now I'm using activity... but for sites, that will get me back to the problem of some sites dominating, which will act as a suppression for newer sites.
First version of user profile is done - you can see what a user has submitted. I'll do the piece that shows what they voted for as I have time.
The "Big cloud" is in, and you can now get details about sites in tags, and what tags go with a site.
I've decided to go with the provisional patent. I may try to use LegalZoom to do it; get at least some help.
At this point, I am ready to go - it's on the domain but in a password protected area (no public disclosure!) I just need to get the provisional patent filed, and I'll open it up.
My plan at this point is to use it as my default search engine at that point (Doing that to some extent now), to give it a bunch of tags and sites (it's pretty limited right now). I'll then try to get a few friends and family on it. Then get some news on various search related sites, then expand out to general tech news sites.
While this may go no where, if it does I need to be careful - I'm sharing with StationPortal, which can be VERY busy. I've already noticed the response time can be... annoying. I've put in caching on top tags, and will look at doing caching on some of the common sub tags, but if I start getting a real load I will need to look at a new server (or two, for DB and IIS). Which means it will need to have REALLY taken off, or I found a bag of money (e.g., funding). Fun :)
Pretty happy with it - the site is plain but I think very clean (yeah, I used elements from Google, digg, and a few others). Not that the main site of Google really HAS a look and feel, eh?
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